Although it can be very hard and you may lose hope from time to time, having belief in the power of du’a it self is part of that worship. Allah is the most loving and the most merciful, and he never leaves us without listening and answering our dua. To make dua is to believe Allah will answer your dua and we need to have a good opinion of Allah through our asking. Ask Allah to help you to make du’a if you’re really struggling to find the words to say and ask for Allah to help you call our for what you need and want. Du’a is truly life changing. Trust and believe. The power of Du’a is amazing; Du’a is a tool for the believer. Be consistent with your Du’as Keep praying for yourself and others. Allah loves those who turn to Him. He will bestow upon you what is best for you. Every difficulty is an opportunity to be grateful to Almighty God for the blessing He has granted us. May ALLAH answer our prayers in the best way. May Almighty Allah protect us; and keep us safe from all calamities Ameen
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