
Dua of Lailatur Qadr

Allahumma innaka afuwwun, tuhibbul-afwa, fafuanniO Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me.
This is the famous dua to be made while seeking Laylatul Qadr the night of decree which is one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Remember, this was given by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to one of the most beloved of all people to him: Aisha (radi’allahu anhaa) when she asked him what dua to make in this time (Sunan at Tirmidhi and others) so recite this dua as much as you can! Especially in these last days of Ramadan.

I ask the AL-GHAFOOR the One Who forgives beyond expectation, accepts repentance and to pardons my faults. He is the One who veils our sins end protects us from their effects, so we may go on without shame or guilt. No matter, how many or how huge the sin, Al-Ghafoor can cover it up
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