There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.”(Quran 21:87)This dua was made by Prophet Yunus (p.b.u.h.) – and Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) written for receiving patience during hardships in when and acknowledging our mistakes.This Dhikr is one we should all keep close to our hearts. It is the Dhikr of the hopeless, when one has been blinded by all the darkness in their life; this is the Dhikr that provides the light for one who wishes to see. The story of Prophet Yunus (p.b.u.h.) show us that even in the darkest depths of the ocean, one was so sure of his trust in Allah, that he knew there was no way Allah would ever leave him. Whatever we are going through right now, whatever darkness we are surrounded by, if we look to Him, there is no way Allah will leave us.We must hold firm to our belief and know that Allah will remove whatever burdens or difficulties we are facing, but we are only rewarded if we are patient at the time when the difficulty comes. This is the time to slow down and try to draw closer to the Almighty. See this as an opportunity to get closer to Him and to pray like never before. .
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