Praise be to Allah alone, who guides His servants to worship Him and blesses them with special seasons, days and nights as opportunities to draw closer to Him and His Pleasure. In these blessed days I can’t help but reminisce on my experience of a lifetime our Umrah. I have not been blessed to go for hajj yet but like many see Hajj is an invitation from Allah to visit his blessed lands and hoping to get my invitation soon InshAllah It was really overwhelming but such a blessing to have visited Jabel Arafah which is also known as the Mountain of Mercy during our Umrah Visits Alahmdulillah The 9th Day of Dul-Hijjah is known as the Day of Arafat. It is the day when millions of pilgrims gather at the plain of Arafat as an obligatory ritual of Haj. Jabal-ur-Rahmah (Mountain of Mercy) on the plain of Arafat. also where our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered his last sermon during hajj. May Allah guide us in doing our part in following the Prophet’s message and propagating the message to everyone we know and accept from us the tiniest of good deeds that we do on the best of days! Ameen. May Allah forgive all our sins and give us the sweetness and noor of iman Ameen
May Allah accept the Hajj of all those performing this year Ameen I pray He accepts all our efforts, keeps us steadfast on our good habits and grants us all the opportunity to perform one of the pillars of our religion and visit the Holy Land again and again. Ameen.
And if they say home is where the heart is, then I know that I have certainly left mine in the holiest of lands.
of the Jabel Arafah was taken during our Umrah 2017 trip.
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