We all have our own worries and problems that stress us out. But all difficulties have an end, and soon your problems will vanish too. If only we remembered and sought help from the one who created a solution for every problem, they won’t last very long. Salah is the ultimate source of peace. When you offer Salah, it’s actually a confession you are making that you alone can’t resolve your problems, because you are weak, fragile and easily broken. You are resting your faith on a Higher
Power that’s Constant, Timeless and Divine – The Source. This feeling of submission tears down the sickness in heart. And all that’s left in the heart is Allah’s love for which the heart was manufactured.If you feel that your problems are a locked door, then Allah has the key. Seek it through Sabr & Salah.“And seek help through patience’s and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive to Allah.
Tags: #ahdenablog, #patience, #prayers, #salah, #friday, #sabr, #islamicart, #islamic, #jumaakareem, #allahﷻ, #islamicposts, #surahkahf, #islamicreminders, #islamicdua, #duas, #dailyreminder, #share, #explore, #islamicpost, #ramadankareem, #dailydua, #islamicdailyreminders, #ramadanmubarak, #ramadan2021, #jumaahmubarak, #canadianmuslim, #torontomuslims, #islamicdailyreminders