Turn each anxiety, each fear and each concern into a Dua (supplication).
The Responsive One
The One Who answers prayers end responds to requests of those who ask and to the call of those who call upon Him by helping them according to His Wisdom in dealing with their affairs. Al-Mujeeb will often give you more than what you ask for, because He will respond to you with what you need and what is best for you.
O Allah, Al-Mujeeb, we know that You are the answerer and fulfiller of prayers. Guide us to respond to Your call and be responsive to those in need and make us call upon and supplicate to you in the best manner. Don’t let our prayers be unanswered and adorn us with certainty in Your response, ameen!
Tags: #almujeeb, #Allahsnames, #namesofallah, #seekmore, #Allah, #dua, #seekAllah, #duaforall, #makedua, #praytogether, #ramadanlog, #makeduaforall, #islamicreminder, #islamicposts, #islamicquotes, #islam, #deen