The final verses of Surah Al-Baqarah state:
“God does not burden a soul with more than it can endure”
Sabr is an Arabic word which translates as “Patience”. But Sabr means much more than just patience. Sabr is endurance, forbearance, steadfastness, perseverance. Sabr is something we often ask Allah for, especially when we face hardships in life. We’re frequently reminded, in the Quran of the virtues and beauty of sabr. Of “صبر جميل” a beautiful patience.
Patience is the only action which Allah has promised that He will recompense without any measure. The reward of “Sabr”patience is limitless. May Allah (swt) provide each one of us with this beautiful quality— patience Ameen
Tags: #seekmore, #Allah, #dua, #faith, #seekAllah, #patience, #blessings, #straightpath, #hardships, #hardship, #ease, #dhikr, #prayer, #supplication, #reflect, #staystrong, #Quran, #khushoo, #humbleness, #devotion, #muslimahs, #quranquotes, #quranverses, #deenoverdunya, #Islamicreminders, #islamicquotes, #ramadanlog , #canadianmuslims